Disability Referrals


Hi Tracy, Here’s the payment for your work as my representative. I want to thank you & Michael for all your work. Now I can make other plans.Sheila
Dominic & I would like to thank you for all of the work you both did on our behalf. God Bless and with sincere appreciation.Cathy
Dear Mr. Cooke, Thank you again for everything! It never would have happened if not for you!Sally
1000 thank yous! Please send me some business cards so I can give them out at groups I attend.Brian
Dear Mike, Thank you and Tracy for all you’ve done to help me. I honestly don’t know how I would have made it through to this point. This has helped make a major difference in…Gina
Dear Tracy, Enclosed is a check for your case expenses. I am Steve’s aunt and I have been set up as his Representative Payee. Thank you very much for all your help. We appreciate all…Lily
Tracy & Mike, Thank you both so much for your professional expertise. I’m glad you were both there for me with your expertise and know how.Mary
Dear Mr. Tracy Cooke. I am writing to thank you for your Representation in my claim. Your through efforts to track down medical records really helped significantly. Keeping me updated…Bailey
Mr. Cooke & Mike, I would like to take this opportunity to thank you for all you have done in my behalf. Thanks! I really do appreciate it.Jim
Sir, Enclosed is a check as payment in full for your services in representing me in obtaining a favorable decision from the social Security Administration in my disability application. I…Michael
Tracy Cooke & Mike, Thank you so much for your help.Kathy
Hi guys, I cannot thank you enough for all your hard work. God’s Blessing for you for all you do for people like me.Jean
Hello Mr. Cooke, Thank you for representing me. You did a fine jib. You and Mike were a pleasure to deal with. Very professional, very polite, always. If there is anything else you need…Angie
Tracy & Michael, Thank you both 4 all your help in my S.S. disability case. God bless you both! – PS: I will refer others to you who need help!Jeanne
Dear Tracy & Mike, I can’t thank you enough for representing me. I am very grateful for the outcome, which gave me back a lot of my dignity. God bless you both.Monica
Hi Mr. Cooke, Please find enclosed the balance due for your services. Thank you for everything!Kim
Tracy Cooke & Mike, Thank you very much for the wonderful result. I appreciate you both. Thanks again.Betsy
Tracy & Mike, Thank you so very much for everything!Doris
Tracy, enclosed you will find a check for your services. Thank you so much for your help. It was a pleasure to work with you.Sierra
Thank you for all your hard work and a successful outcome. Mike you are a great help with all my questions. Again, thank you.Melody
Mr. Cooke & Mike, Thanks for all your help. I greatly appreciate everything.Tamara
Mr. Cooke & Mike, I wish to thank you both for the exceptional help you provided to us. Take care.Kim
Dear Tracy M. Cooke, I would like to thank you for your SSA services you have given me. I would also like to thank Mike Benjamin for his help with my mental & physical well being. It…Steven
Cooke & Company, Inc, Thank you for all the effort you put into winning my case for SSI. It’s been a very hard road, and you have made it significantly easier. You all remain in my…Hannah
Dear Tracy & Mike, Thank you both for all your help, support, questions answered throughout this SS process!! Tracy, Mike was SO…Vivian
Thanks for all your help. Never would have happened without you guys. Thanks again!Nancy & Jake
Cooke & Company, Thank you so very much!Cynthia
Mike & Mr. Cooke, Thank you so very much for all your help. In a great time of need in my life you were there for me.Lisa
Thank you so much for all that you guys did in helping win my case. I’m doing good. I finished my chemo this week as that is a very good thing. Thank you for asking.Kandise
Tracy & Mike! Thank you for really being there for us. PeaceBrandy & Tawnya
Dear Mr. Cook, you are great representatives. Thank you so much for all your help.Theresa
Dear Cooke and Company, I wanted to tell you how much I appreciate the kindness and help that you gave to me with my court hearing and the support that Mike gave with the overwhelming…Lois
“Dear friends, let us love one another, for love comes from God. Everyone who loves has been born of God and knows God.” – 1 John 4:7-9 (NIV) – Wishing you a blessed Christmas…Lorraine

As reflected in our logo, Cooke & Company, Inc. strives to be the sword and shield of the disabled. As such, we are honored to have client referral relationships with many noted disability advocacy organizations in our home state of Colorado, including Disabled Resource Services in Fort Collins and Loveland; The Legal Center for People with Disabilities and Older People in Denver and Grand Junction; Connections for Independent Living in Greeley; the Center for Disabilities in Pueblo; the Huntington’s Disease Society, Rocky Mountain Chapter; the Colorado Neurological Institute; the Colorado Coalition for the Homeless; a large number of medical practices and even a number of non-disability attorneys.  Such disability advocacy organizations refer their clients to Cooke & Company, Inc. because:

  • ownerCooke & Company, Inc. doesn’t “cherry pick” claimants who are an easy pre-hearing win, a common practice of many large disability firms. We take all claimants who meet the minimum Social Security requirements, and work to develop the material medical and vocational evidence required to achieve a “Fully Favorable” decision.
  • Cooke & Company, Inc. doesn’t drop claimants who fail to achieve a pre-hearing win, an equally common and regrettable practice of many disability firms focused on easy, short-term, low-cost wins versus the long-term case development typically required to win. We dig in our heels and prepare for a hearing before an Administrative Law Judge.
  • Cooke & Company, Inc. doesn’t drop claimants after an “Unfavorable” hearing decision. If warranted, we appeal the decision to the Appeals Council, arguing for a remand or reversal of the judge’s decision.
  • Cooke & Company Inc. represents claimants with both RSDI applications and the typically harder to win and less lucrative SSI applications. Unfortunately, far too many representatives refuse to take stand-alone SSI cases. We proudly represent all.
  • Cooke & Company, Inc. does not charge for case expenses after an “Unfavorable” decision, which is a rare practice in the legal field. Many of our clients simply cannot afford to repay case expenses, so if we don’t win, we typically absorb those expenses ourselves.
  • Cooke & Company, Inc. routinely volunteers time to answer the questions and assist in the training of varied medical practices and disability advocacy organizations. This commitment allows those entities direct, personal access to a dependable and proven disability specialist to better serve their patients’ needs.
  • And finally, Cooke & Company, Inc. recognizes that the Social Security Administration is a typical federal bureaucracy. And worse, that the Social Security Administration is a typical federal bureaucracy that has received no increase in its administrative budget since 2010. That means that along with closing some offices and shortening operating times, the agency is also chronically ill-equipped and understaffed. Indeed, in a cost reduction measure, the SSA recently offered early retirement to about 14% of its current workforce, including some of the most experienced employees. Of course, these factors can negatively impact a case. Thus Cooke & Company, Inc. is well versed in correcting myriad Administration mistakes for our clients, bearing the stress so the claimant or advocacy organization doesn’t have to. We routinely and successfully deal with such vexing issues as missing paperwork, incorrect case information, lost evidence, miscoded computers, erroneous criminal checks, inaccurate payment analysis resulting in benefits-shorting or overpayments, ignored corrective measures and endless passing of the buck. As President “Give ‘em hell, Harry” Truman once said, “The Buck Stops Here!”